Cats can develop various pathologies and syndromes related to the urinary and renal system. These diseases, widespread, recur mostly throughout the life of the cat with conventional veterinary treatments. There are natural treatments for cat kidneys. What are they and why are they developing? There are several forms that the veterinarian can diagnose, urolithiasis, mbauf, solar, or in clear terms: inflammation of the bladder or cystitis, calculations, crystals, blockages, urinary tract infections, caps, etc. Cats that do not drink enough, eat inadequate food, have suffered one or more stress, obese, inactive, are more at risk than the others. However, some specific breeds would even be more inclined to develop them!
Are there solutions to prevent these urinary and renal infections and / or alternatives and supplements to conventional treatments to improve the quality of their lives?
Natural treatments for cat kidneys
Homeopathic remedies, natural treatments for cat kidneys offer different solutions to different stages of disease and cat life. T-Urux is a homeopathic remedy preventing and caring pathologies such as urinary infections, functional renal failures, informational urine problems, recurrent cysts, calculations, crystals, etc. The D-Renex helps cats with renal failure by draining their kidneys and improves their quality of life. For older animals, the IRC complex is quite suitable for chronic renal failure, renal infections of the renal system and urinary tract infections resulting in complications at different levels in animals (eruptions, rheumatism, vomiting, thirst and vertigo , blindness, to name a few). Animodel 12 acts in the kidneys, bladder and urethra. It regenerates and drains the kidneys, improves renal function, reduces acute inflammation. According to the expert opinion, stress can have a definite impact on the urinary disorders of cats. The emotions / plex product, acting on the emotions of the animal, such anger, stress, anxiety, irritability, hyperemotivity, depression, etc., can be of great help in urinary problems in cats, calming them in Sweetness and naturally.
Natural treatments for cat kidneys. Add chlorophyll to beverage water reduces bad body odors, breath, urine and feces, by its purifying and regenerating action. It acts, among other things, on the affections of the kidneys and bladder, urinary tract infections, burns and pain during frequent and difficult urination and abnormal volumes and density. Obviously, natural treatments for cat kidneys against urinary and renal cattle infections can not be complete without a change in their diet. Provide wet food excellent quality for its extra water intake. Best quality croquettes avoiding that of the supermarkets and sold in large advertising reinforcement, which absolutely do not respect the specific food needs of cats! Finally, taken correctly following the dosages, natural homeopathic products will not alter the good functioning of the kidneys and the liver of your cat as the traditional medicines would do, on the contrary! And combined with adequate damp and dry diet and a maximized water intake, your cat will be healthier and will fill you with its purons much longer!