Protecting your dog against leishmaniasis
Protecting your dog against leishmaniasis, this serious disease that rages in the Mediterranean circumference. The fact of traveling would expose your dog to the risk of contracting this disease.
Leishmaniosis: What is it?
It is a disease transmitted by the sting of a tielon called phlebotome. It is due to a microscopic parasite, known as Leishmania Infantum. During the activity season of this mane that stretches from May to September, the dogs may be stung up to 100 times per hour. How does this manifest itself? When an infected qucheck starts a dog, the parasites are deposited on the surface of the skin. Then, a minimal lesion called chancre is seen, most of the time on an ear or on the muzzle. The parasite thus begins to invade the dog’s cells, spreads in the internal organs and is made to affect the immune system.
All dogs that are on the move or live on the Mediterranean periphery can contract this disease. Note also that this disease can also affect the human being, its evolution is quite slow so that some clinical signs of the disease occur only several years later. By reproducing in some cells of the body, the parasites will cause serious problems. The dog will have fever, skin problems including hair loss. It has progressive slimming, abnormally long nails, bleeding at the nose level. And the organs are subsequently reached: spleen, kidneys, liver, articulation. Consult this link to learn more about dog health.
How to prevent leishmaniasis?
Prevention and control are essential to avoid a long, expensive and sometimes ineffective treatment to your dog. To protect your leishmaniasis dog, several ways are available. As we say it is better to prevent than cure! To do this, you can use deltamethrin-based collars also providing ticks. In addition, the treatment well that it is complicated does not allow to finalize the parasite. To increase efficiency, the combination of treatments is required. And if you live in a risk zone, vaccination is the best way to protect. So, protect your dog! You can consult our section on dog health