A healthy cat is our priority for them. It’s so nice to have a four-legged friend at home and especially cats, they are sweet, affectionate. Cats are quite fragile beings in terms of health and they need care like any living being. We are going to talk about dewormer for cats and dogs and all about it today.
What is that ?
It is a remedy aimed at eliminating and stopping all multiplication and forms of parasites in its internal organism. This type of medicine is divided into two, the first is based on the elimination (chemical antiparasitics) and the second on stopping the multiplication of parasites (natural antiparasitics).
There are different types of products assigned to cats, and each owner is free to choose the drugs that are more suitable for them. The condition that they consult a veterinarian from time to time for the sanitary care of their cat. There are several medications in this area that are administered orally. For example, Milbemax Cat which immediately eliminates parasites with immediate effects, but it is strongly discouraged for anyone wanting to administer it for their cat without having had the respect of the prescriptions of a veterinarian. On the other hand, a simple bad dosage of these powerful antiparasitics can lead to serious health consequences for the animal.
The necessary reasons to use the dewormer for cats and dogs?
According to scientific studies, it has been found that even before the birth of the kittens. The kittens are already contaminated with parasites because of their mother. Unless the latter has followed the steps against parasites during her pregnancy. Keeping an infected animal at home also exposes its occupants to the risk of contamination. People who may be susceptible to contamination are children and the elderly.
In humans, simple contact with a cat can easily promote the transmission of worms. Sometimes our companions the cats venture into muddy places or even into lawns, which means that they are never safe from parasites, but by deworming them from time to time, the worms in their organism n will have more time to multiply. To learn more about dewormers for cats and dogs, see our articles. To see the products available on dewormers for cats and dogs click on this link.