Auvergne, a breed that wins to be known!
It is a methodical dog so slower than the German Braque, renowned busty hunter the blue is a good dog for the partridge, but less suitable for the duck although some are suitable for pleasure!
It is a methodical dog so slower than the German Braque, renowned busty hunter the blue is a good dog for the partridge, but less suitable for the duck although some are suitable for pleasure!
Yorkshire selection
Chronicle for Yorkshire-Terrier lovers
Hello, I introduce myself: Michèle Babin, I have been the exclusive breeding of Yorkshire since 1998. If just like me are in love with this breed, you will surely appreciate the selection of Yorkshire, a series of articles on different aspects of this charming little dog. That’s what I propose you in the coming months.
First, when you buy a Yorkshire-Terrier, we must make sure to get a recorded dog at the Canadian Canine Club. Recording is proof that you really have a pure dog breed. You have chosen Yorkshire, you really want it to have all the physical and behavioral characteristics. Knowledge of your dog’s genealogy is your best guarantee. Think that it is defended by law to sell a dog said purebred, without providing recording! Next time, I will talk about the standard and I will try to unravel all the names that we often hear about Yorkshire: Nain, Toy, Tea Cup etc.
My breeding is recorded as Yorkanson Yorkshire-Terrier. Visit my site at:
Michèle Babin, Yorshire farmer
The age of the dog in human age
Your elderly dog
What is the perfect time to start taking care of your aging dog? When it’s still a puppy!
A dog who, from an early age, is well fed, made of the exercise regularly, is examined periodically by the veterinarian and receives from the affection to all it takes to enjoy an excellent quality of life during his old days. However, as is the case of humans, the dog’s metabolism changes with age. This table shows the age of the dog in human age.
Currently monitoring your pet behavior will help you identify issues in time. Thanks to the people from Info Vet for this article.
Professional Portable Dryer
This portable dryer is very impressive. The QuickDraw Portable Dryer is all steel, it has a 1.3 HP engine for exceptional efficiency, which produces 18,000 feet / min of clean hot and filtered air. It’s perfect for dried and safely a big dog with long hairs in minutes.
How to put drops to a cat
It is very important to clean the eyes of his cat. Indeed, these are predisposed to infections, either because of dirt or a fight.
The first step for the administration of disinfectant drops is to place your cat on a table, at your height. You can put in front of the cat’s legs a towel to avoid unannounced claws! Then let a drop of disinfectant fall inside his eye. And finally, open the eye of your pet again to administer a pommade nut and close it so that the product diffuses.
The Breton Spaniel comes from crosses with Breton farm dogs in the 19 th century and Setters, Points and Springers from England for hunting, the Spaniel has since considered one of the best stop dog. world.
Head → Round, rounded skull and soft sloping stop.
Ears → planted high, short and slightly rounded.
Eyes → Dark amber.
Hair → fine, rather flat and slightly wavy but never curly.
Body → Deep chest, medium neck, short back.
Tail → right or drop, short and finished with a wick of hair.
Dress → Blanche with: orange, brown or black; Tricolor or Rounnée (colorful bristles mixed with white)
Size → 48 to 50 cm in the male
From 47 to 49 cm in the female
Weight → 15 to 18 kg in the male and 14 to 15 kg in the female.
Character and ability
It is an indefatigable, resistant, it has very good character what makes him an excellent companion. Sweet with children and not aggressive, it is also a reputable hunting dog and stop. It also has the skills for waterfoot hunt because it is also good swimmer.
Advice and education
He needs space and spend. It can adapt to apartment life as long as it gives long daily outings.
His education will ask for patience, softness and firmness.
Brushing once or twice a week, monitor the ears. Thanks to the Gents from Amiland
Tips and grooming tricks.
Tips and tricks of grooming of good animals to know.
Eyes and mustaches
Some breeds of dogs frequently have reddding traces under the eyes. If such traces appear, regularly apply a product dedicated to eye care. They will disappear quickly but the treatment must be supported regularly to avoid their reappearance.
The hygiene of the dogs of dogs is all the more important for breeds with falling ears. It must be cleaned once a week to avoid infection or otitis with a cotton rod but limiting themselves at the edge of the ear. There is also a hair removal may sometimes be necessary. Special products (comfort spray) to be applied inside the ear regularly make it possible to facilitate such hair removal.
According to dogs and their environment (walking on carpet, little exit), the dog’s claws grow more or less quickly. We must think about cutting them frequently with a claw cutter. Limit you to the tips of the claws. A too wide cut can reach the vein present in the dog’s claws. If it had to happen, cauterize the nail with a hemostatic powder to stop the hemorrhage.
Many prefer to let a groomer or their veterinarian.
Teeth cleaning
As the animal ages, the external surfaces of the teeth tend to cover with tartar. This deposit contains bacteria and causes the disease of Pyorrhee. In severe cases, the tooth gets off and ends up falling, and many dogs who lose teeth at a pretty early age. Even if, unlike humans, dogs suffer few dental caries, it is nevertheless advisable to regularly clean their teeth. Some think that chewing a bone cleans the teeth, but this action has only a minimal effect. In addition, as the consumption of bone can cause serious problems, the majority of veterinarians are advocating for giving it. The bones in pieces or cooked, especially those of poultry and rabbit, are extremely dangerous. Tooth cleaning usually requires anesthesia, but some owners learn to do it themselves. Dogs remain relatively calm during the operation if they have been used to there at an early age.
Most veterinarians believe that dog vaccines protect dogs from the most common, most contagious and severe diseases. Among these, letting the Dog Disttem, the dog’s infectious hepatitis, the parvovirosis of the dog, the infectious tracheo-bronchitis of the dog and the rage. Your veterinarian will recommend other vaccines, depending on the risks associated with the heredity of your dog, his environment and his way of life.
It is quite essential to vaccinate your dog against this disease often fatal and difficult to treat. Extremely contagious, the distemper of the dog is transmitted by the secretions of the nose and the eyes of infected dogs. It manifests itself by apathy, fever, coughing, diarrhea and vomiting. At the terminal stage, this disease can be accompanied by convulsions and paralysis. The distemper virus attacks many organs, as well as the nervous system, which can keep sequelae, even if the dog relies.
Infectious Tracheo-Bronchitis of the Dog « Kennel Cough »
Like human colds, this infection of the airways is easily transmitted from one dog to another, the vaccination is therefore imperative if your animal comes into contact with many other dogs in situations such as the formation of obedience or the Pension in a kennel. Caused by various airborne bacteria and viruses, including the parainfluenza canine virus, the type II and Bordetella bronchiseptica canine adenovirus, you will first notice its appearance by the dry and dry cough of your dog.
Dog Parvovirose
As the banal cold virus in humans, the virus at the origin of this disease of the respiratory tract is easily transmitted from one dog to another. It is therefore imperative to vaccinate your dog if he is called to have contacts with his fellows, for example on the occasion of obedience classes or a stay in a kennel. Driven by various viruses and bacteria carried in the air, including the parainfluenza virus of the dog, the adenovirus of the type II dog and Bordetella bronchiseptica, the disease is first manifested by quits of dry cough.
This deadly viral disease reaches the central nervous system. It is a threat to most mammals, including humans. It spreads by the saliva of infected animals, or by bite, either by contact with cutaneous lesion (the skims, foxes, raccoons and bats are often carriers of the disease). Immunization against rabies will allow your dog to better withstand this virus, if there is exposure. However, you should know that there is no way to cure an animal with rabies. This is why many municipalities require all dogs to be regularly vaccinated against rabies. Besides, if you had to travel with your dog whatsoever in the United States or elsewhere in the world, you would certainly be asked to provide proof of vaccination.
Infectious hepatitis of the dog
Caused by the adenovirus of the type I dog, this disease is transmitted between dogs in contact with secretions, such as saliva, urine or feces of an infected dog. His clinical signs resemble those of the distient at the beginning of the disease. This disease causes hepatic impairment, eye injury and respiratory disorders. It can be benign, just as it can be fatal. Vaccination remains the best protection.
Other vaccines
Once he has evaluated the situation of your dog and his risk factors, your veterinarian could also recommend you to vaccinate your dog against other infectious diseases, including
• leptospirosis, a disease of bacterial origin which tackles the kidneys and liver;
• the dog coronavirosis that attacks the intestines and can cause diarrhea in puppies;
• Lyme disease which is a disease transmitted by ticks that affects both man and dog. It causes chronic arthritis and can be mortal. The dogs that are allowed to walk in high herbs, brush and densely wooded regions are particularly exposed to this disease.
Thanks to: Veterinary Hospital Claudia Forget de Varennes
Pets to give? Beware
My daughter and I would like to have a little dog. Preferably a Yorkshire. But our budget does not allow us for the moment. As you surely know, it’s a breed of expensive dogs. So, we decided to search on classified ads announcing race animals to give? The idea has come from a couple of friends, who have found their happiness with a young Labrador to give, announced on a classified ad site.
My daughter started doing research on different classifieds sites. She found some Yorkshires to give to finally realize that everything was often scams. We are well aware that there are scams of all kinds on the Internet. But this week we discovered one concerning the animals to give.
This is the process that these people use to scam:
They announce expensive breed dogs to give or sell at very enticing prices. They register multiple ads for the same dog, but in different cities and different countries, as well as on several classified ads. Here are the kinds of comments we can read in their descriptions: race animals to give? Healthy animals, vaccinated, vermifgested, tattooed with identification numbers, as well as up-to-date health logs. In addition, these small animals are sociable with children and other animals. For everything to be more realistic, they ask you to contact them by email to send you more photos and information about the little dog. Then, to continue to make you dream and to bother you, they ask you by email information about your family and your lifestyle to be sure that the small animal is supposedly happy and in good hands.
When you are interested in seeing the animal or getting to look for it:
This is where the second part of the scam starts. They mention that there is an error in the ad, but they are abroad for several reasons and tell you that they know a good transport company for animals and that you only have the costs transport to pay. When you accept, they give you the procedure for paying the costs incurred. I let you guess the rest with your money deposit.
Fortunately, in our case, during the email where they mentioned that they were abroad we blocked any contact. Subsequently, finding this particular method to acquire a dog, I did some research on dogs to give and cheaply to see quite quickly reading on the blogs that it was a pretty common practice, and That, around the world.
It’s still possible to find a dog to give or buy cheap prices on the site of the classified ads, the proof is that our couple of friends, found one. But before shelling, it is better to have the animal in your arms.
If you have witnessed an internet scam, do you say that a cybercrime is a crime in the same way as a flight or aggression. You can complain about your municipal police service or the safety of Quebec
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